Thursday, October 3, 2013

That Was Unexpected!

JR came home the other day and told me he was running for student council.
I was both shocked and totally pleased by this announcement. 
(The teachers and kids did a number on his self esteem in Durango, so to have him put himself out there like that is a huge step.)
A little while later he told me we needed to go to the store to buy candy for his campaign.
Now, I've seen plenty of school elections go down in my time, and one thing I know for certain:
You can bring as many cookies, cupcakes, candy, pencils, toys, posters, flyers as you want.  The kids will eat your cupcakes, tell you they'll vote for you, and then vote for whoever they want. 
But, I didn't want to crush his little political dreams, so we went to the store and he picked out Jolly Ranchers "cause everybody likes Jolly Ranchers".
He told me he read in the Duck Dynasty book that when Willy ran for class president his slogan was "Don't be silly, vote for Willy" and he won, so he needed a slogan too.
We came up with this.
If we're being honest, there's lots of adjectives I could use to describe JR.
'Jolly' doesn't even crack the top 20. 
 But hey, it works.
They elected one boy and one girl from each class.
JR has 26 kids in his class, and his teacher said he got 20 votes.
I couldn't believe it, I had spent the whole morning prepping him that it was "okay if he didn't get it. I was just proud he was trying."
Here he is when he got home that afternoon. He was super excited.

He had his first student council meeting yesterday after school where they talked about "lots of stuff".
Jason told him that's what you usually do in high powered meetings..."discuss lots of stuff".

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